5 Ways How You Can Hide Your IP Address Online

04/12/2022 9:32 PM by Malik Junaid Rasheed in It security

Your IP address can be used to track your online activity and your device, which can hinder your privacy and put you at risk of prying eyes and hackers. Every IP address is unique, and any individual can use a free ip lookup service to find out their unique string. If you are trying to steer clear of your internet service provider, government agencies, hackers, or advertisers, this guide is for you. Below are five ways to hide your IP address online:

Five ways how you can hide your IP address online

1. By using a VPN service

A VPN or virtual private network is essentially software that masks your IP address by encrypting all the data you send and receive on the internet. All this data is routed through a VPN server present in another location, which acts as a middleman, allowing websites only to see the server’s IP address. Using a VPN service is by far the most effective, safe, and popular method of hiding your IP address online.

2. By using TOR

TOR, which is an acronym for The Onion Router, is free, open-source software that enables anonymous communication over the internet. It ensures that your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through multiple proxy servers. Websites and applications can only see the last proxy server that your data is routed through and hence your identity is protected. The only drawback to using TOR is that due to its advanced protection, individuals can use it to connect to the dark web and illegal websites, and therefore it has a bad reputation amongst government and legal circles.

3. By using a proxy

A proxy is similar to a VPN in function, and just like a VPN, it serves as a middleman between the internet and your device. Any websites you surf or applications you use can see the IP address of the proxy. The proxies being referred to in this case include SSL, SSH, and SOCKS proxies. The only drawback of proxies is that, unlike a VPN service, they do not offer added security or encryption. Another issue with proxies is that they do not account for DNS traffic, which makes website and application requests go to a DNS server, which can view your actual IP address.

4. By connecting to a different network

If you feel that your IP address has been compromised or discovered in any capacity, you can simply change your internet connection to get a new IP address that masks your identity. You can connect to a different public or private internet connection, or simply connect to your phone’s hotspot connection to mask your identity. However, on public networks and mobile hotspots, your device is more prone to hacking due to the lack of encryption.

5. By asking your internet service provider to change your IP

If you feel your IP has been compromised and is being tracked, you can simply ask your internet service provider or ISP to change your IP address. The only details they’ll require from your end are your account information and current IP address, and they’ll be able to change your IP address in a matter of hours. Go here to know your IP: My IP Address.

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