The IT Security your Business Must Have to Combat Insider Threats

02/25/2022 12:00 AM by Malik Junaid Rasheed in Information technology

In an information and data age, it has become critical to protect and safeguard your business information systems and control access to data from external and insider threats. Below are three of the top aspects of your business information security that you must implement if you are to combat insider threats. Lastly, it is critical to realize that the predominant threat is now internal, and these measures will go a long way to protect your business in this regard.

IT Security

Endpoint or user security

Based on the changes in the way that we now all work, it is vital to be able to secure the laptops, mobile devices, and desktops that legitimately access your company networks. Modern enterprises look to make access to data and information a seamless process. Part of this attempt at easy access includes the ‘bring your own devices’ protocol. As such, there are now more devices and endpoints than ever before. These are all genuine users who have access and are able to adversely affect the network or shared data.

Centralized network protection thus may not be enough. Your business must have encryption and application controls to protect your company data and networks. At the same time, all devices must also have antivirus software installed to protect malware from entering the network. Endpoint security must be one of the first security aspects that you install and test to ensure that all those entering or connecting to the system can’t do any damage. Only once users are in the system, they can do damage, which is why infosec solutions like a decentralized identity framework are so important.

Data security

Authorized access to the network will be ensured by the endpoint and user security, but once on the network, it is still important to protect your company data. Data encryption and key data management practices will serve to keep you safe from insider threats as well as data corruption and prevent universal access to higher levels of data and information. Click here to learn more about insider threats, and it could save your business the headache of losing valuable information. There should be a clear process of cloud data security that protects your data while moving it to the cloud and then protects it while in the cloud. Furthermore, and what has become more critical is the encryption of data and the use of tokens and unique one-time-only passwords to access and use stored data. If data is the new gold, it is pertinent to ensure that it is well protected and secure.

Transactional security

With so much more being bought and sold on the internet and e-commerce concerns, your business needs to have the required transactional cyber security. Again these will generally be genuine users of the system, and once on the network, can cause a great deal of damage. Customers must be able to safely and seamlessly make payments for products and services and be secure in the knowledge that this is guaranteed. The payment process needs to offer flexibility in that any currency or card should be accepted and be fast, efficient, and reliable. The trick for your business and e-commerce security is to provide real-time transactions, but yet still have the ability to run checks and conduct reports before shipment and delivery is confirmed.

These are just three of the top forms of security that your business must have to protect against insider threats. There are various additions and improvements, but it is unlikely that your business will succeed in your defense against cybercrime without these basic foundational security measures.

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