Htaccess Redirect Generator

1. Select redirect type

2. Enter your domain name

Do not include www. Domain name only - e.g.

3. Get your code


Get .htaccess Code

4. Copy the code to your .htaccess file

Htaccess redirect generator is a tool utilized for implementing URLs changes, Web migrations, or when configuring your websites canonical URLs versions.

Every tool is assigned a work-purpose. Similarly, the Htaccess redirect generator is also working for some purpose. Such as:

  • it can alter the configuration,
  • it can enable and disable functionality,
  • and the features,
  • handle redirects,
  • it will protect passwords,
  • it can help to deny access of fake visitors by the IP address,
  • and also redirect visitors.

Htaccess generator is the best powerful tool provided by which is used to redirect any domain from www to non-www. This tool gives you a code which used in a Cpanel and FTP. Thi file always gives the best priority of a domain file .htaccess files can be used to alter the configuration of the Apache Web Server software to enable/disable additional functionality and features that the Apache Web Server software has to offer. So doing a better configuration we use access file. In a digital marketing point of view, we are redirecting the URL as www which removes the canonical error of website which is must be compulsory in nowadays for better optimization of a website.

Htaccess has additional functions as well as it will be encoded to perform.

Now we can talk about some information about htaccess. The name of the files and the extension are not changed. Otherwise, it will not recognize the files. You may encounter the file when you use the Content management system like Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. Some of the web servers don’t allow you to edit it. Htaccess will help in enabling password protection. It is probably the most prime function. A webmaster may be incorporate because they don’t want any visit and access to the site from unauthorized persons. Htaccess tool is also for converting www to non-www and from non-www to www.

Htaccess is a helpful and foremost tool for webmasters. They have to control their websites. A webmaster got help from the developers that may be familiar with HTML code. The alteration made in this file will have a direct impact on the website. For example, trouble in website working. It helps webmasters for denying visitors as they will choose the IP addresses to allow and block for visiting the site. It is also useful when we talk about handling errors. As the visitors get irritated when they get the error message of 401,404, etc. webmasters get a huge help when they can redirect the visitor to the same or different website. They can redirect a visitor from one page to another page.

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