score: It is the average of Moz's domain authority, page authority and Majestic's Citation flow, Trust flow. It ranges from 0-100. The average will surely can get you much better idea by combining all these four.
Domain Authority (DA) - range from 1 to 100 (higher - better) provided by Moz and predicts how DOMAIN will be ranked on search engines.
Page Authority (PA) - range from 1 to 100 (higher - better) provided by Moz and predicts how URL will be ranked on search engines.
Moz Rank (MozRank) - represents a link popularity score that showing the importance of given web page on the Internet.
Links In (Links) - number of links (internal and external) to the URL (data provided by Moz).
External Equity Links (Equity) - number of external equity links to the URL (data provided by Moz).
Alexa Rank - global Alexa rank of domain.
ALexa Links number - number of links to domain.
Alexa Country - ISO2 code of country where domain is the most popular.
Alexa Country Rank - Alexa Rank of domain in country where it is popular.
SemRush Domain - domain that was taken by SemRush from url for analysis.
SemRush Rank - rank of domain according to SemRush.
SemRush Keywords number - number of keywords where site in Google's organic search top 100.
SemRush Traffic - number of users expected to visit the website during the following month.
SemRush Costs - estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords.
SemRush URL Links number - number of links to URL according to SemRush.
SemRush HOSTNAME Links number - number of links to HOSTNAME.
SemRush DOMAIN Links number - number of links to SemRush Domain .
Moz Spam Score - range from 0 to 17, highest number means highest percent of sites that contains link to url but penalized or banned by Google.
Citation Flow (CF) - range from 0 to 100 (higher is better), it displaying how influential a URL might be based on how many sites link to it.
Trust Flow (TF) - range from 0 to 100 (higher is better), it displaying how trustworthy a page is based on how trustworthy sites tend to link to trustworthy neighbors.
ExtBackLinks - number of external backlinks to current URL (data provided by Majestic).
Refered Domains - number of domains with pages that referred to url
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